Tuesday 24 April 2007

wi fi

wireless technology is a very popular way to surf the way because it is fast and easy to access espeically with laptops.
you can even steal other peoples wireless connections because there was a boy on my road who used to sit outside my neighbours house on his laptop stealing their internet
as research has found health risks with mobile phones it apears also wireless internet has health risks
i found that article on this issue


Wednesday 21 March 2007

online gaming

l;p[;'=9 - by the bat
before i start i would like to say Happy Birthday to Rosstifer Rossalosifus Giles and his bat
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

virtual worlds on the internet are now getting bigger than ever gaming sites cuh as: habbo hotel and second life. i have only ever been on a virtual world once that was neo pets when i was about 11. it was fun at the time i dont know whether i would enjoy them again maybe i should try?

Tuesday 20 March 2007

sky +

is this ok to write about mr luhrs?

anyway i will write about it anyway
sky + lets you record your favorite shows and save them so you can play them back whenever i think thats prety awesome! and you dont have to buy video tapes anymore

oh its crazy check it out for more info and they are now only £99 bargin bucket if u ask me but then you wouldnt have the latest HD TV which i think i have written about already?

Sunday 11 March 2007

dell XPS with cooling solution ooooooo!


the new dell H2C system has a cooling solution which will stop your computer from over heating! its in the new dell XPS which has a very nice look to it which will make it appealing for a wide range of people
this link has some good information all about it
check it ouuuuuutt

Tuesday 27 February 2007


there is a lot of new television ideas about these days and skys latest is sky hd tv
this site is good for finding out what the basics of hd tv is and also finding out more of what their product has to offer.

Sunday 25 February 2007



i have been looking at smartphones today and finding out exactly what one is and i found this article
to summerise smartphones are folding a computer and a phone and sometimes a camera into one device which make it alot easier for people to do things with out being tied to their desk at home or work. these smartphones are mainly used by buisness men so they can read and reply to their emails where ever they are. my daddy has one and is constantly getting emails from his work. hes never bothered with phones before but likes this one because it has everything on it.


Wednesday 21 February 2007

video games


there has been alot in the media about violence assosiated with video games.
personally i think they make you more aggressie when you are playing them i personally get far to into them but then after i am done it doesnt want to make me kill or hurt people

i tihnk anyone that thinks like that after playing has something wrong with them anyway


Tuesday 16 January 2007